The 4 Parts of My Daily Life Philosophy

The 4 Parts of My Daily Life Philosophy

Here is the complete transcript of the podcast

Welcome back, happy Thursday morning to you something about me that when I meet people for the very first time, and usually if I’m introduced to someone who knows me, but I do not know the kind of, you know, you know, a friend’s friend who I do not know, something like that, usually five or 10 minutes into the conversation, I get questions like, What’s your understanding of life? What’s your observation of life? Some reason I get those questions, no broad questions about life, philosophy, meaning, and all that. And this has happened along for a long time if you have been listening to this podcast. last several months, I have done several podcasts talking about, you know, people asking me questions about life and philosophy. And so today is not that different, again, a conversation where somebody asked me about what my philosophy is when it comes to leading life. So what I did with them, I kind of gave them a broader understanding, or at least, I represented the answer differently than what I’m going to do on the podcast right now. And I want to do it in a way that you can take and apply it to the day to day living. So if you listen to a concept here on this podcast, and you cannot apply, then there is no fun, at least, you know, there is no, there is no value that you are getting out of this. So this is something that I do on a daily basis. And that are affirmations that are no different from things that I do as a part of my morning routine. I have talked about my morning routines here. But this four-part philosophy of life is what I go through, literally every day when I wake up.

So I’ll share this with you, here is my request to you, I want you to apply this and tell me what kind of a change or improvement you are seeing in your overall being. Do this for a month or two. And let me know. There are four parts to this, the first part is called part. The first part is called Pot. Pot means that when I wake up in the morning, my mind is I’m a part of the proceedings of life. I belong to life, I’m here. So I don’t see myself as anything different. If something is happening to someone, it will happen to me. If something is not happening to someone, it’s not what happened to me. So there are many parts to the nature of this universe. And I’m just a part of it. So nothing is specifically happening for me. It’s just that I’m just a part of it. So I have to do something about myself if I want to get something out of it. So nothing wrong is happening. Nothing great is happening here. So let me belong to this. That’s the first step in my thinking. The second step of thinking is I want to import. You see, all these years I have been around I have gotten some understanding of life, and I learned a few things. I have accumulated a few ideas, a few thoughts, and a few materials, nonmaterial, whatever things I have accumulated. And I want to impart that to the next person who sees herself or himself as a part of this nature. So for example, think a teacher teaching a student, not necessarily I’m a teacher, I don’t think that way, but I’m just giving an example. So on maybe a mentor, training a mentee, or a coach, training a performer, something like that. So along those lines, I want to share something, I want to give something, someone imparts something to someone. And then the third part in this four-part series, is I want to be a part of my mindset, so I don’t want to attach myself.

So I want to stay apart as much as I want to be a part. But I want to stay apart. Why? Because when you stay apart when you have setbacks when you have heartbreaks when you have something that otherwise can step on your emotion, which happens quite a lot. When you stay apart the damage is less, the emotional damage is less, and the mental spend is less. So I want to stay apart. I want to stay engaged, but I’m apart. The reason why I want to be a part is that this lends itself to the last part, which is sooner or later, I know I will depart. Soon sooner or later I know I’m done. So this is not a game that I’m playing for good. This is not perpetual. This is not going to be forever like this. One day, I’m going to lose this consciousness. One day, all that I think I have is not going to be mine anymore. One day, this light is going to become dark. And if that is true, then why don’t I acknowledge that now you see this, these are the four walls of my thinking. And these are the four walls of the room. And now I start my day putting stuff into it. These are this is the container. I want to be a part I want to stay apart.

I want to import but I will be departing. That’s not a sequence of how it plays out though. So pot in a pot a pot, the pot. I came up with this philosophy of with this thinking this four-step thinking nearly 16 years ago. And I never really understood the first part, which is the part. And over the years, I kept on life experiences, observations, working with people, and leading life in different aspects of it strengthened this philosophy. And I’m not saying this is the final one. I don’t know what it’s going to look like, you know, a year or six months from now, I do not know. But today, this is how it looks. So I shared this with my friend. And my friend’s friend yesterday. And his first question was did you mention this on your podcast? I said no, I did mention this in different flavors of this I did talk about but I don’t think ever talked about this specifically this way. He liked it. He insisted I should share. And here I am sharing this with you. So give this thinking some space in your mind. And see if you can act with these four walls. Set up your container mind and everything that you put in every act, every engagement, every interaction, every word that you speak, every individual you meet, everything that you experience, everything comes into this container. It’s amazing. It’s amazing when you at the end of the day how you have I’ll tell you it’s incredible. It’s a feeling that I just cannot explain. I’ll tell you ever since this even though I came up with this 16 years ago, I really started experiencing the power of this report 10 years ago, and ever since this has been solid, literally solid.

So if you’re looking for an affirmation, you’re looking for a frame to start your day, you want to contain your thoughts, you want to be centered, this is how I do it. And now you have it. That’s all for now you take care of yourself. I will be talking to you as early as tomorrow. Before even you know it. I’ll be here with you. Keep listening. And thank you for all your questions. Love it. Bye now.

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